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Conium - Spotted Hemlock


Conium - Spotted Hemlock.

Indicated in affections of elderly people who have become weak and sluggish; in elderly persons of either sex, especially women at the change of life, who have been conti 16216x2310q nent, but not without desire; in hard tumors and suspicion of cancerous tendency; in all glandular indurations, vertigo. Night-coughs of old people, frequently with gastric pain. According to T. F. Allen, useful in sexual nervousness of strong, healthy men who are unable to have erections.

Vertigo when turning over in bed; when lying down; on turning the head to the left; the contents of the room seem to be whirling around, must keep head perfectly still. From excessive use of tobacco.

Induration of glands (axillary glands, breasts, ovaries, testicles; also of uternine os and cervix) with pain as though bruised; knife-like pain sometimes no pain.

Breast enlarged before and during menstruation with pain.

Ovarian irritation, with sharp, lancinating pains.

Irritation of the eyes, with extraordinary degree of photophobia, out of all proportion to the severity of local symptoms; sensitiveness of eyes to artificial light; after hard night study.

Cough caused by dry spot in larynx, with itching of throat and chest, worse at night.

Extremities weak, trembling, numb; feel as though paralyzed.

Worse at night; when lying down; upon rising up in bed; before and during menses; from ungratified sexual desire.

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