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Grilled Filet Mignon with Stuffed Pears


Grilled Filet Mignon with Stuffed Pears

1 beef tenderloin 12 inches in length, cut into 8x 1.5 inch portions.
Olive oil
1 teaspoon salt (5 ml)
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper (5 ml)

Stuffed Pears
4 medium-firm pears, halved and cored 21321y2415v
3 oz. mild, soft blue cheese
1 tablespoon crumbled hazelnuts (15 ml)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh chives (15 ml)
1 tablespoon dried cranberries (15 ml)

Cut the beef tenderloin into 8x1 inch portions. Rub each steak with olive oil and salt and pepper. Place the steaks on a baking sheet and set aside.

Halve and core the pears. Prepare the stuffing by crumbling blue cheese into a medium bowl. Fold the mixed nuts into a towel and hit with a hard object to crush. Add nuts to the blue cheese. Snip the chives into the bowl using scissors and add dried cranberries. Mix well. Stuff the pear halves and add them to the baking sheet with the steaks.
Before grilling, remove the steaks and pears from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature.

Preheat the barbecue to 425°F/220°C

Oil the grill. The filet mignon will cook over direct heat for a total of 8 minutes - 4 minutes per side for medium-rare. After 2 minutes of grilling turn the steak ¼ to produce cross char marks. Repeat after turning steaks. Add the pears to the grill after the first 5 minutes.

Take the steaks off the grill and tent with aluminium foil. Let the meat rest for at least 5 minutes.

Turn the barbecue off, put the lid down and leave the pears on the grill for a couple minutes longer. The cheese should be soft and melted.

Serve immediately.

Yield: 8 servings

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Accesari: 916
Apreciat: hand-up

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