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Maque Choux Peppers


Maque Choux Peppers

6 medium red bell peppers
¼ cup unsalted butter (60ml)
3 tablespoons corn oil (45ml)
3 cups corn kernels fresh or frozen (750ml)
1 large white onion chopped fine
1 medium red pepper chopped
1 medium yellow pepper chopped
1 small jalapeno chopped fine
1 teaspoon white pepper (5ml)
Salt to taste
1.5 cups chicken stock low sodium (625ml)
½ cup 11% cream (125ml)
1 teaspoon hot sauce (5ml)
2 cups of dry cornbread crumbs (500ml)
1 egg slightly beaten
¼ cup fresh basil chopped (60ml)

Slice the tops of peppers about ½ inch (8 mm) from stems. Remove seeds and cores carefully. Tip slice a little off the bottom of each pepper without cutting into the cavity - this will allow them to stand.

Melt butter and oil in a medium skillet over medium high heat. Add the corn, onion, jalapeno, yellow and red pepper. Season with salt and pepper. Sauté until fragrant and onions have become slightly translucent about 5 minutes.

Add the cream stock and hot sauce. Cook until slightly thickened about 7 minutes. Remove filling from heat and allow too cool slightly.

Stir in bread crumbs. Whisk in egg until well distributed.

Place peppers on tray and stuff each pepper equally with filling.

Replace the tops and secure with toothpicks.

Preheat barbeque to 300°F/148°C or at medium low heat

Place peppers on bun rack and allow too cook for 40 -45 minutes.

Remove from heat carefully, serve immediately.

Yield: 6 servings

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Accesari: 905
Apreciat: hand-up

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