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Cores visual description


Cores visual description

Visual description of the core ORS- Ba- 05-04 (Băbeni lake)

Sample / interval (cm)

Visual description


ORS - Ba/ 0.00 - 24.00

Silty clay, gray to blackish gray, sticky, disturbed by organic activity

Level sampled 2 cm by 2 cm  (12 samples).

ORS - Ba/ 24.00 - 25.50

Silty clay, blackish, sticky, massive, sharp limits

ORS - Ba/ 25.50 - 32.00 **

Silty clay, gray to blackish gray, sticky compact, trace of organic activity (?)

2 samples  25.50 cm to 29 cm and from 29.00 cm to 32.00 cm.

ORS - Ba/ 32.00 - 35.00

Silty clay, black to gray lamina, rich in organic matter, soft

ORS - Ba/ 35.00 - 37.50

Silty clay, gray to blackish gray in base, sharp base, soft.

ORS - Ba/ 37.50 - 38.50

Silty clay, black, sticky, massive

ORS - Ba/ 38.50 - 40.50

Silty clay blackish, unclear limits

ORS - Ba/ 40.50 - 43.00

Silty clay, gray to blackish gray, rich in organic matters, disturbed by trace of organic activity

ORS - Ba/ 43.00 - 48.00

Silty clay, gray to yellowish gray, traces of organic activity (?)

ORS - Ba/ 48.00 - 56.50

Silty clay, gray to yellowish gray, massive, trace of organic activities (?)

Very compact to the base.

Visual description of the core ORS-GOV- 05-05 (Govora lake

Sample / interval (cm)

Visual Description


ORS - Gov/ 0.00 - 1.00

Clay, yellowisg gray, soft, sticky

Disturbed by coring

ORS - Gov/ 1.00 - 2.00

Mixed sediment (sand/silt/clay), gray to yellowish gray, rich in micaceous minerals

ORS - Gov/ 2.00 - 13.00

Clayey silt, yellowish gray, sticky, massive, a sandy laminae between 10.00-10.50 cm, trace of organic activities (?)

ORS - Gov/ 13.00 - 16.50

Mixed sediment (sand/silt/clay), gray, yellowish to the base, rich in micaceous minerals

ORS - Gov/ 16.50 - 29.00

Clayey silt, gray to yellowish gray between 19.00-20.50  cm and 23.00-25.50 cm, massive, rich in micaceous minerals between 23.00-25.50 trace of organic activity below 23.00 cm

ORS - Gov/ 29.00 - 33.50

Mixed sediment (sand/silt/clay) gray to blackish (32.50 - 33.50 cm), with discontinous parallel lamination, concave base, trace of organic activity (?)

ORS - Gov/ 33.50 - 45.00

Clayey silt, gray to blackish gray, massive to unclear lamina, rich in micaceous minerals to the base, trace of organic activity toward the base (41.50 - 45.00)

Cracks from coring

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