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PL/SQL Developer


PL/SQL Developer

PL/SQL Wrapper Plug-In User's Guide

Allround Automations


This document describes the PL/SQL Developer integration Plug-In for Oracle's PL/SQL Wrapper. The PL/SQL Wrapper is a standard command-line utility to encrypt the source code of your PL/SQL program units. The encrypted source files are unreadable, but can still be compiled into a database. This is useful when you want to distribute a client/server application but need to protect the intellectual property of your server software.

This Plug-In makes it easy to wrap your program units from within PL/SQL Developer. Just select the program unit in the Object Browser and select 'Wrap program unit' from the Tools menu.

Installation and configuration

To install the PL/SQL Wrapper Plug-In, simply run the supplied setup.exe. This will copy the Plug-In DLL (wrap.dll) into PL/SQL Developer's Plugins directory. Make sure that you have write access to this directory when you run the setup program.

After installing the Plug-In, you have a new item in the Tools menu: Wrap program unit. You can additionally assign a hotkey in the Key configuration page of the Preferences to this menu item if you want.

This Plug-In makes use of Oracle's wrap command-line utility, which should be located in the bin subdirectory of the oracle home directory (something like c:\oracle\bin). The name of the wrap executable is something like wrap23.exe, wrap80.exe, or just wrap.exe. If more than one version of the PL/SQL Wrapper is installed, the most recent version will be used.

System requirements
PL/SQL Developer 2.1
Oracle's PL/SQL Wrapper

Using the PL/SQL Wrapper

You can only wrap program units that are stored in the database. Just select the program unit in the Object Browser, and select Tools - Wrap program unit. You can alternatively press the hotkey if you assigned one.

A standard file save dialog appears, where you can select a destination directory and filename. The default filename is the name of the program unit with extension .plb.

Contact information

For questions about PL/SQL Developer or this Plug-In software:

Allround Automations
[email protected]

Document Info

Accesari: 2421
Apreciat: hand-up

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