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XBRL - Data model and relations within Ba-PRO


XBRL - Data model and relations within Ba-PRO

The XBRL taxonomy is based on the financial reporting components.

Starting with Business Assurance from a financial audit and reporting perspective. This will result in a financial approach of Business Assurance.

Order to Cash example

Looking at the XBRL taxonomy (IFRS based as is available in the file: ifrs-ci-2003-07-15-treeview.xls) we find only a few related components in rows 280 and 2905. These 2 could be relevant for a Bus 11311o144l iness Rule. Row 280, cash receipts from customers we find cash as a component of the Order to Cash process:

XBRL taxonomy for the Cash process (from XBRL.ORG)

Statement of Cash Flows

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Ending Balance

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning Balance

Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Operating Activities

Net Cash Flows from (Used in) Operating Activities [Direct or Indirect Method]

Cash Flows from (Used in) Operations [Direct Method]

Cash Receipts from Customers

The 'cash receipts from customers' eventually is a sub of cash and cash equivalents, ending balance. It can be found in line 280 of the XBRL taxonomy. This is a so called 'significant account'.

This XBRL taxonomy node (cash receipts from customers) refers a Row number in the dictionary spreadsheet which comes with the XBRL taxonomy which refers to IFRS accounting manual information:

Element Label




Cash Receipts from Customers



In this IFRS information you can find a description of how to interpret the cash information.

Furthermore one can find a slot in the XBRL tree for the expectation of the time it takes to receive the incoming cash after a sales agreement is signed:

2905 Expected Timing of Receipt of Cash Flows Relating to Binding Sales Agreements

Apart from the XBRL related information it is possible to look at other relevant data.

Sample IFRS documents related to the above presented XBRL nodes:

This IFRS manual (accounting manual) is available in PDF format and will be uploaded to Ba-PRO as a document

This information then can be combined with controls (which are standard defined in IFRS) and custom defined in the control model (process / control objective / control), related to risks and processes.

What is the idea behind this?:

Companies will start to report based on XBRL. There are several advantages to this, amongst others that the data is 'unified' such that other applications can be based upon the same data. Secondly that the reporting can be standardized such that it is easier to interpret the content of the reports. Thirdly that the Quality of the reporting can be assured by looking at the related IFRS documentation and your companies controls.

The control flow for this is:

  1. Report data (e.g. cash)
  2. Which is partially based on Cash receipts from customers
  3. XBRL components (280 and 2905)
  4. Which are related to IFRS (ifrs-ci:CashReceiptsCustomers which has an accounting manual description (procedure)
  5. Which is related (or sometimes equal) to the (sub)process description or the related control in Ba-PRO (or BWise or Axentis for that matter).
  6. This process description is related to a risk and to a control which in turn is the basis for the business rule that creates the alert.

Result: Once you receive an alert on this control (real time) you know that the quality of the reported consolidated data on Cash (which includes 'cash receipts from customers) is poor. You can take the alert information into account when interpreting the (quarterly) report information. In this way we close the loop that was designed by the American SEC but never finished.

The main controls are 'checked' by the business (assurance) rules resulting in Alerts if something really goes wrong. These rules are then related to the business processes so therefore you now KNOW the quality of your reports.

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