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Acceleration Due to Gravity Lab


Acceleration Due to Gravity Lab

Mrs. Bilic

Patrik Salka, Ryan Harrison, Jason Quan, Andrew Schweisher


Purpose: For an object in free fall, how does the increase in velocity vary with the time and the position from the s 343p151d tart of the fall?

Data Table

Time (s)

Displacement (m [down])

Average Velocity (m/s [down])

Position from start d (m [down from start])

Midpoint V/T points

Analyze and Interpret

The shape of my velocity/ time graph is the shape of a curve. This is because the object (the weight) had an acceleration when it was falling.

The relationship that exists between the change in velocity and elapsed time is that there is an almost constant acceleration since that the change in velocity is almost the same during every elapsed time.

A= v - v


= 5.7m/s - 0



Error Percentage

% error= measured value -9.8m/s x 100


=9.5m/s - 9.8 m/s x 100


=-0.03 x 100 

Therefore the percentage error was 3%.


I came to the conclusion that an object will fall with almost the same acceleration down to the earth when it is falling. This is due to the fact that there is a constant acceleration due to gravity and it cannot be changed. My acceleration was very close (9.5 m/s) compared to the 9.8 m/s of gravity.

Document Info

Accesari: 1552
Apreciat: hand-up

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