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Following conditions must meet before installation

1 User is system administrator;

Joystick equipment already inserted

DirectX9.0 installed into system

Please install according to the following steps:

1 Click SETUP.EXE file;

2 Select installation mode, click next step

3 When instruction ready, click "install" (Note: if click install without inserting any equipment, system hints it can not find any equipment and will complete the installation. If so, please delete driver, then insert equipment and install again )

4 If install hardware digital signature interface emerge, click continue

5 Wait finish interface

6 Can properly use

Note: only used in a same USB port, it will have PROGRAM function. Shall install again if USB port changed, can realize PROGRAM function on multi-USB ports.

Specification for driver page 1-3

Page1: Test page; test Joystick buttons.

Page2: Calibrate page; calibrate left and right joystick

Page3: Rumble page; test motor vibration function


Driver page4: Program(mapping keyboard function;) this function only suit WIN2000 WINXP exclude WIN98, WINME.

Program page specification

a)       Interface as below:

b Function as below:

Keyboard can be defined on the Joystick, E.X press button "1"on the Joystick, then press " program "will find keyboard, as below:

To define keys on the Joystick, you can click keyboard, then click OK, save it as another directory, click "apply", click confirmation at last to finish definition. At most 24 keys can be defined on the Joystick. On the Joystick marked with 1-12, can define 12 keys, as below.

Document Info

Accesari: 1222
Apreciat: hand-up

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