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Exista doua feluri de adjective: descriptive (exprima o calitate sau o stare fizica precum vârsta, culoare, marime.) si adjective limitative care sunt utilizate 12512o1422m numai cu anumite substantive (exprima distanta, cantitate, posesie.: adjective posesive, demonstrative, interogative, relative, nehotarâte)

Adjectivele se pot forma prin mijloace diferite, precum: derivare cu sufixe si prefixe, conversie (schimbarea valorii gramaticale) si compunere.

Derivarea este cel mai raspândit mod de a forma adjective, si acest lucru se realizeaza prin adaugarea de prefixe: alive, abnormal, antenatal, bifocal, collateral, compact, contrarotating, correlative, disadvantageous, exchangeable, extraordinary, hypersensitive, illegal, immaterial, incapable, interactive, irrespective, misunderstanding, nonparallel, permutable, precautious, retroactive, suburban, supersonic, surmountable, translucid, ultramodern, unattractive sau de sufixe: agreeable, sensible, global, Mexican, dominant, learned, golden, eastern, careful, adverbial, magnetic, economical, childish, amazing, active, friendly, dangerous, handsome, inward, muddy.

Conversia sau schimbarea valorii gramaticale

substantive schimbate în adjective: a blue-eyed man, a golden chicken.

verbe transformate în adjective: a make-up table.

adverbe transformate în adjective: the above text, the only friend.

Pe de alta parte exista adjective care se substantivizeaza prin articulare cu articol hotarât, denumind notiuni abstracte: the unknown, the unborn.sau denumind o întreaga clasa: the blind, the deaf, the old, the poor, the sick, the wounded. în acceasi clasa se pot include adjectivele care desemneaza nationalitati: the Albanians, the Greeks, the English, the Turks.

Compunerea vizeaza un fenomen de alaturarea doua parti de vorbire diferite care, laolata, devin adjective: a heavy-weight champion, a long-distance call, a hard-boiled egg, a well-meant person, a hard-working woman, a would-be singer, a runaway Negro, a ten-year-old boy.

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Comparatia adjectivelor

Exista trei grade de comparatie: pozitiv (forma de baza a adjectivului), comparativ (pentru a efectua comparatia între doua fiinte sau lucruri) si superlativ (pentra a efectua comparatia unei fiinte sau unui obiect cu mai multe fiinte, respectiv obiecte).

Exista doua categorii de adjective: regulate si neregulate, care formeaza în mod diferit gradele de comparatie.

Adjectivele regulate se împart în: adjective scurte (formate din una sau doua silabe) si adjective lungi (formate din mai mule de doua silabe).

Adjectivele scurte

formeaza gradele de comparatie prin adaugare de sufixe, dupa cum urmeaza:

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

long longer (than) the longest of / in

happy happier (than) the happiest of / in

big bigger (than) the biggest of / in

simple simpler (than) the simplest of / in

Adjectivele lungi formeaza gradele de comparatie cu ajutorul formelor more (comparativ) si respectiv the most:(superlativ):

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful of / in

dangerous more dangerous than the most dangerous of / in

Adjective neregulate (au forme proprii diferite pentru a forma gradele de comparatie):

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

Good better the best

bad / ill worse the worst

much / many more the most

little less (lesser) the least (the lesser of the two evils)

old older /elder the oldest / the eldest

late later / latter the latest / the last

far farther / further the farthest / the furthest (further information)

near nearer the nearest / the next

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Comparativul de superioritate: longer than, more beautiful than, better.

Comparativul de egalitate: as long as, as beautiful as, as good as.

Comparativul de inferioritate: not as/so long as, not as/so beautiful as, not as/so good as.// less difficult than, less important than.

Superlativul relativ: the longest, the most beautiful, the best.

Superlativul absolut: Very + adjectiv (pozitiv); Very poate fi înlocuit de: awfully, exceedingly, extremely, quite, most, terribly. : bitterly cold, most difficult, extremely beautiful,.// adjective care au înteles de superlativ desi apar la gradul pozitiv: excellent, exceptional, glorious, great, marvellous, splendid, supreme, wonderful; overgenerous, superfine, ultramodern, matchless.

Expresii adjectivale sinonimice cu superlativul absolut: a devil of a child, a dot of a girl, a monster of a dog, scared to death, wet to the bone, free and easy, safe and sound, sick and tired.

Expresii idiomatice:at least cel putin; in the least în cel mai mic grad; at most în cel mai înalt grad; so much the better cu atât mai bine; so much the worse cu atât mai rau, had better / would rather mai degraba; to do one s best a face tot ce sta în putinta.//Expresii ca: The more, the merrier. The sooner, the better. Better and better; more and more interesting; ever more interesting.

Ordinea adjectivelor

Adjectivele care privesc un obiect:

numar, calitate, vârsta, marime, forma, culoare, origine, material, -ing+subst.

ex. two beautiful, old, square, brown, French, wooden tables;

adjectivele care descriu o persoana:

numar, calitate,marime, vârsta, origine+ subst.

ex. three pretty, tall, young, Romanian girls

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