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BMW Marketing Innovation

BMW Marketing Innovation BMW Marketing Innovation

Since the competition started to imitate BMW's advertising messages of outstanding quality, BMW decided to come up with a unique way of reaching its target audience. Intrucat concurenta a inceput sa imite de publicitate mesajele BMW de o calitate deosebita, BMW a decis de a veni cu un mod unic de a ajunge la publicul tinta sale. The company did so by hiring Fallon Worldwide, and advertisement agency based in Minneapolis, MN, to come up with a new campaign. Compania a facut acest lucru prin angajarea de Fallon Worldwide, si agentie de publicitate cu sediul in Minneapolis, MN, a veni cu o noua campanie. Fallon developed the concept “The Hire” series. Fallon a dezvoltat conceptul 'Inchiriez' serie. Fallon's responsibility also included the way in which these movies were to be delivered to BMW's target audience. Responsabilitatea Fallon inclus, de asemenea, modul in care aceste filme au fost sa fie livrate la publicul tinta al BMW. It was also questionable whether the campaign should be the same throughout the world, or if it should be localized to adapt to language and consumer taste differences. Acesta a fost, de asemenea, discutabil daca campanie trebuie sa fie aceeasi in intreaga lume, sau daca ar trebui sa fie localizate a se adapta la consumator gust diferentele si limba. In order to attract highly recognized directors, as well as actors, BMW was willing to spend a large amount of money. In scopul de a atrage recunoscut directorilor foarte, precum si actori, BMW a fost dispus sa cheltuiti o suma mare de bani.

In addition to coming up with a unique advertising campaign, BMW also wanted to change their image. In plus fata de a veni cu o campanie de publicitate unica, de asemenea, BMW a dorit sa schimbe imaginea lor. One of the goals was to make BMW look, not only cool, but likeable, which the brand needs to do to combat negative perceptions some people have based on old associations with the 80's style yuppie arrogance. Unul dintre obiective a fost de a face BMW uite, nu numai cool, dar simpatica, care marca trebuie sa faca pentru a combate perceptia negativa unii oameni au bazat pe asociatiile de vechi, cu 80 stil aroganta yuppie EUROPENE,.

Company Profile Profil de companie

BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft) was founded in 1916 and has been publicly traded since 1969. BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft) a fost fondata in 1916 si a fost cotate la bursa din 1969. The company produces, and markets, a varied range of higher end sporty cars and motorcycles. Compania produce, si piete, o gama variata de sfarsitul superior automobile sport si motociclete. BMW has also manufactured the first passenger car running on hydrogen ready for common use, although the production figures are limited by the lack of a respective filling station net. BMW a produs, de asemenea, primul autoturism care ruleaza pe hidrogen gata de utilizare comuna, desi cifrele de productie sunt limitate de lipsa de o umplere net postul respectiv. In addition to cars and motorcycles, BMW operates an aircraft engine division under the brand name of Rolls Royce. In plus fata de masini si motociclete, BMW functioneaza o diviziune motor de aeronava sub numele de marca al Rolls Royce.

The company has worldwide subsidiaries and manufacturing plants in Germany, Austria, the UK, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Compania are filiale in intreaga lume si fabrici in Germania, Austria, Marea Britanie,, Mexic, Brazilia, Africa de Sud, Egipt, Thailanda, Malaezia, Indonezia Statele Unite ale Americii, Filipine si Vietnam. The company also operates its own financing company, which offers financing for vehicles. Compania opereaza de asemenea, propria companie de finantarea acesteia, care ofera finantare pentru vehicule. Automobiles accounted for 78% of 2000 revenues; vehicle finance leasing, 18%; motorcycles, 3% and other, 1%. Automobile reprezentat 78% din anul 2000 venituri; finante leasing pentru vehicule, 18%, motociclete, si alte 3%, 1%.

BMW's Revenue Sources BMW Venituri Surse


Marketing Overview Marketing Prezentare generala

The majority of BMW's success is attributed to the development of a consistent marketing policy, the 'market niche' strategy. Cea mai mare parte a succesului lui BMW este atribuita la dezvoltarea unei politici de marketing coerente, 'nisa de piata' strategie. The company has built its brand on four core values, which are: Compania a construit brandul pe patru valori fundamentale, care sunt:

imagineTechnology Tehnologie

imagineQuality De calitate

imaginePerformance De performanta

imagineExclusivity Exclusivitate

BMW has maintained these core values since the company's inception. BMW si-a mentinut aceste valori de baza de la infiintarea companiei. Coupled with WCRS (BMW's advertising agency since 1979), the company has adopted a consistent advertising strategy. Cuplat cu) WCRS de publicitate BMW (agentie din 1979, compania a adoptat o strategie de publicitate consistent. In addition to the message of these values being portrayed in advertising campaigns, the company explicitly expresses one or more of these values in all BMW advertisements. In plus fata de mesajul de aceste valori fiind portretizat in campanii de publicitate, societatea isi exprima in mod explicit unul sau mai multe dintre aceste valori in toate anunturile publicitare BMW. However, it is important to point out that BMW also relies on its sensitively to the environment, which is clearly seen by how the company's advertisements evolved in response to economic, environmental and competitive changes. Cu toate acestea, este important sa se sublinieze ca BMW, de asemenea, se bazeaza pe sau sensibil la mediu, care este in mod clar vazut de modul in care compania de publicitate a evoluat ca raspuns la, de mediu si schimbarile economice competitive.

This design philosophy, which runs through every BMW, has been communicated through a number of TV and print ads. Aceasta filosofie de design, care trece prin fiecare BMW, a fost comunicata printr-o serie de anunturi TV si print. The brand image has been built up by using over 300 color press advertisements, and more recently through a total of 64 different television commercials. Imaginii de marca a fost construit prin utilizarea peste 300 de reclame de presa de culoare, si mai recent printr-un total de 64 de reclame de televiziune diferite. Throughout this campaign, BMW has remained consistent to its beliefs of focusing on the substance of the cars themselves. De-a lungul acestei campanii, BMW a ramas consecvent la convingerile sale de a se concentra pe fond de autoturisme insisi.

In addition to the high profile national color press and television advertising, individual dealers are encouraged to run their own local campaigns. In plus fata de ridicat nationale color si apasati profil de televiziune de publicitate, dealerii individuale sunt incurajati sa isi conduca propriile campanii locale. Local press, radio and bus advertisements are all available from BMW dealer marketing. , Radio si presa de autobuz reclame locale sunt toate disponibile de la comercializare dealer BMW. Additionally, brochures, price lists and dealership point-of-sale materials are made accessible through the corporate office. In plus, brosuri, liste de preturi si la punctul de vanzare materiale dealership devin accesibile prin intermediul biroului corporativ. BMW encourages its dealers to make use of these services. Incurajeaza dealerii BMW de a face utilizarea acestor servicii. Providing the dealers with a central source for advertising, BMW ensures that all communications remain standardized as well as maintaining BMW's brand values. Asigurarea dealerii cu o sursa centrala pentru publicitate, BMW se asigura ca toate comunicarile raman standardizate, precum si mentinerea valorilor brandului BMW.

BMW has embarked on a global advertising campaign. BMW a lansat o campanie de publicitate la nivel mondial. What differentiates this promotion is the fact that it remains consistent throughout the company's international campaign across the European, USA, Asia, South Africa and the Middle East markets. Ceea ce diferentiaza aceasta promotie este faptul ca acesta ramane consecvent in intreaga companie internationala campania intreaga europene, SUA, Asia, Africa de Sud si Orientul Mijlociu piete. In over 15 countries there will be: In peste 15 tari vor fi:

imagineTV spots Spoturi TV

imaginePrint advertisements Imprimare reclame

imagineMega-posters Mega-postere

imagineRadio spots Spoturi radio

imagineEvents Evenimente

In all three James Bond films BMW, MGM and EON Productions Ltd worked together on a cross promotion project. In toate cele trei filme ale seriei James Bond BMW, MGM si EON Productions Ltd au lucrat impreuna la un proiect de promovare cruce. This was accomplished worldwide with TV commercials, print ads as well as displays in BMW dealer showrooms. Acest lucru a fost realizat la nivel mondial cu reclame TV, reclame print precum si afiseaza in showroom-urile dealer BMW.

BMW Film BMW Film

The best new film series, by the most cutting-edge directors, are not playing at the local theater. Cel mai bun film serie de noi, de ultima ora regizori cele mai multe, nu se joaca la teatrul local. Instead, these films are accessible through your home computer, as well as your local BMW dealership. In schimb, aceste filme sunt accesibile prin intermediul computerul de acasa, precum si dumneavoastra BMW dealer local.

Since its launch at, “The Hire” (a film series consisting of five different short films) has been singled out as the first high profile, big-budget, celebrity-laden Internet marriage of advertising and entertainment. De la lansarea sa la, 'The Hire' (o serie film format din cinci scurte filme diferite) a fost nominalizat ca profil inalt in primul rand, cu buget mare, incarcat Internet casatorie-celebritate de publicitate si de divertisment. It has been reviewed, scrutinized, deconstructed and cited as evidence of the perilous future for traditional advertising. Acesta a fost revizuit, controlate, deconstruite si citata ca dovada de viitor periculos pentru publicitatea traditionala. New York Times film critic (Elvis Mitchell) called the series “a marriage of commerce and creativity, straddling the ever-dwindling line between arts and merchandising.” BMWFilms is simply the latest and possibly the hippest Web site to make use of streaming video in order to lure prospective customers. New York Times, criticul de film (Elvis Mitchell) a numit-o casatorie serie de comert si de creativitate, transzonale vreodata scadere intre linia de-arte si merchandising. 'BMWFilms' este pur si simplu mai tarziu si, eventual, cea mai hippy site-ul Web sa faca uz de streaming video in Pentru a atrage potentiali clienti. Fast cars, mysterious passengers, Buddhist monks, rock superstars, and sinister enemies are all part of the film series, which are presented in installments by some of Hollywood's top directors. masini rapide, pasagerii misterios, calugari budisti, superstaruri rock, si dusmani sinistru sunt toate parte din seria de film, care sunt prezentate in transe de catre unii dintre directorii de top de la Hollywood. These films are being advertised on television the same way that movie trailers are advertised; the difference is that instead of the catch phrase “coming soon to a theater near you,” this catch phrase reads “see it only on” Aceste filme sunt promovate pe televizor acelasi mod in care filme sunt anuntate, diferenta este ca in loc de fraza de captura 'in curand la un teatru aproape de tine', aceasta fraza captura citeste 'o vad numai pe'

Actor Clive Owen (star of the acclaimed British film 'Croupier' and, in the opinion of his growing legion of fans, the next James Bond) is “The Hire” in the series title, a skilled mercenary driver who seems to specialize in risky assignments. Actorul Clive Owen (starul din filmul aclamat britanic 'dealerul' si, in avizul de crestere legiunii lui de fani, urmatorul James Bond) este 'The Hire' in titlul seriei, un mercenar sofer calificat care pare sa se specializeze in riscante misiuni. While he is certainly a smooth operator behind the wheel (very “James Bond” like), it is always the Ultimate Driving Machine that saves the day. In timp ce el este cu siguranta un operator de buna in spatele volanului (foarte 'James Bond' ca), acesta este intotdeauna Ultimate Driving Machine ca salveaza zi. The car is definitely the star of the show. Masina este cu siguranta vedeta show.

Each episode features a “driver” (in a BMW, naturally) who is on a mysterious nighttime mission along with a mysterious passenger. Fiecare episod are un 'driver' (intr-un BMW, natural), care este intr-o misiune pe timp de noapte misterios, impreuna cu un pasager misterios. Examples include one incident where the driver is on the run with a small Buddhist boy, to another episode that has an arrogant superstar diva (played by Madonna) desperately wanting to escape the swarm of the paparazzi. Exemplele includ un incident in care conducatorul auto este pe fuga, cu un baiat budist mic, la un alt episod care are o diva superstar arogant (jucat de Madonna), care doresc cu disperare sa scape de roi de paparazzi.

Filmgoers, thrill seekers, and potential customers have the option of watching the video using Real Video or QuickTime video players. Cinefililor, solicitantii de fiorul, si potentialii clienti au optiunea de a uitam la video, utilizand Real Video sau video jucatori QuickTime. Another option is to download the BMW Film Player, a fairly simple process offered through the BMW web site, which turns the computer screen into a miniature personal theater complete with “DVD quality” pictures and sound. O alta optiune este de a descarca BMW Film Player, un simplu proces destul de oferit prin intermediul site-ului BMW, care transforma ecranul computerului intr-un teatru personal miniatura complet cu 'calitate DVD' imagini si sunet. Installing this player allows the user to download and view the video on the full computer screen while offline. Instalarea acestui player permite utilizatorilor sa descarce si sa vizualizati video de pe ecranul computerului complet in timp ce offline. In addition to the full-length videos, BMW also offers trailers for those customers with slower modem connections. In plus fata de video full-lungime, BMW ofera, de asemenea, remorci pentru acei clienti cu conexiuni modem mai lent. These trailers allow viewers the ability to have a “quick peek” at the films. Aceste remorci permit telespectatorilor posibilitatea de a avea un 'ochiul rapid' la filme.

The numbers of viewers to the site are souring each week. Numerele de telespectatori la site-ului sunt souring in fiecare saptamana. One week following the advertising blitz of the web site films, traffic to the site was up 55% to 214,000 unique visitors compared to only 138,000 the previous week. O saptamana de la blitz de publicitate a filmelor site-ul web, de trafic pentru site-ul a fost o crestere de 55%, la 214,000 de vizitatori unici, comparativ cu doar 138 de mii saptamana precedenta. (according to Web measurement, firm Nielsen/Net Ratings) This tremendous leap made BMWFilms one of the Internet's fastest growing sites. (In functie de masurare web, firma de Nielsen / Net Ratings) Acest salt imens facut BMWFilms unul dintre site-uri Internet cu cea mai rapida crestere.

The films all have differentiating styles, however one thing that they all hold in common: the majority of the action takes place in a BMW while the participants are in the middle of a car chase. Toate filmele au stiluri de diferentiere, insa un lucru pe care le detin toate in comun: majoritatea actiunea are loc intr-un BMW, in timp ce participantii sunt in mijlocul de o urmarire de masini. There is no limit to the actual number of BMWs that you will see; one, two, three, even more Beemers are seen speeding down alleyways and streets, screeching around corners. Nu exista nici o limita a numarului real de BMW-uri pe care le va vedea; unu, doi, trei, chiar mai multe Beemers sunt vazute excesul de viteza pe aleile si strazile, brusc in jurul colturi.

BMW did not randomly decide to initiate a web based advertising campaign. BMW nu a decis aleatoriu pentru a initia o campanie de publicitate pe web. The company clearly did its homework. Compania a facut clar temele sale. It is a well known among advertising firms that over 85% of potential car buyers will conduct most (if not all) of their initial research on the Internet before they make a final decision on a purchase. Este un bine cunoscut printre firme de publicitate care peste 85% din cumparatorii de autoturisme potentiali va efectua cele mai multe (daca nu toate) din initiale lor de cercetare pe Internet inainte de a lua o decizie finala privind o achizitie. Therefore, BMW has made it convenient for shoppers by adding a link to their film site to Prin urmare, BMW a facut-o convenabil pentru cumparatori prin adaugarea unui link catre site-ul lor film la This site gives consumers basic information about the car(s) as well as the location and phone number of the local dealerships. Acest site ofera consumatorilor informatii de baza despre masina (e), precum si numarul de telefon localizarea dealeri locali.

Given that the average BMW automobile starts at approximately $30,000, the company's decision to design a classy film series, which can be viewed on a high-speed Internet connection by an upscale, mostly male audience, is clearly targeted. Avand in vedere ca media de automobile BMW incepe de la aproximativ 30.000 dolari, companiei decizia de a proiecta o serie de film clasic, care pot fi vizualizate pe o viteza de conexiune la internet de mare de-o upscale, mai ales publicul de sex masculin, este in mod clar orientate.

The simple concept of these films – BMW wants to sell cars! Conceptul simplu din aceste filme - BMW vrea sa vanda masini!

Film concept Film concept

In the spring of 2000, two factors were on the table at BMW. In primavara anului 2000, doi factori au fost pe tabelul de la BMW. The first was concerns over TV effectiveness, and the second was how to exploit the popularity of the Internet. Primul a fost ingrijorarea fata de eficienta TV, iar al doilea a fost cum sa exploateze popularitatea de pe Internet. BMW wanted to come up with an entirely new branding campaign; too many competitors were copying the “look and feel” of the BMW, the company needed to do something different to distinguish itself. BMW a vrut sa vina cu o noua campanie de branding in intregime; prea multi concurenti au fost copierea 'look and feel' de BMW, compania trebuia sa faca ceva diferit pentru a se distinge. On a more basic level, BMW was growing more concerned with its ability to reach its core market via traditional methods such as network TV. La un nivel de baza mai mult, BMW a fost tot mai preocupat de capacitatea sa de a ajunge pe piata sa de baza prin metode traditionale, cum ar fi TV de retea.

The creative team of writer David Carter and art director Joe Sweet, had recently completed a project for Timex with director Tim Burton. Din echipa de creatie a scriitorului David Carter si director artistic Sweet Joe, a finalizat recent un proiect pentru Timex cu regizorul Tim Burton. This marketing campaign incorporated an Internet portion that featured short videos specifically shot for the Web. Aceasta campanie de marketing incorporate o portiune de Internet, care prezentate scurte videoclipuri shot special pentru Web.

The executives at BMW saw this as a way to differentiate the company from other manufacturers. Executivii de la BMW a vazut acest lucru ca pe o modalitate de a diferentia compania de la alti producatori. BMW wanted something done exclusively for the Internet, something not only entertaining but also cinematic. BMW vrut ceva face exclusiv pentru Internet, ceva nu numai divertisment, ci si cinematografica. A concept was born – a longer film that would be shot in segments and distributed via the Internet as a series. Un concept sa nascut - un film mai lung care ar fi impuscat in segmente si distribuite prin intermediul internetului ca o serie. This series would combine product placement with entertainment. Aceasta serie va combina cu plasarea de produse de divertisment. Most importantly, it would allow BMW to push the envelope when it came to scripting the series. Cel mai important, ar permite BMW sa impinga limitele atunci cand a venit la seria de scripting. The Internet would allow the company to show what a BMW can do when pushed to the limits, under extreme conditions and circumstances. Internetul ar permite companiei sa arate ce un BMW poate face atunci cand este impins in limitele, in conditii extreme si circumstante. BMW would not be able to convey this type of advertising through traditional TV ads, without a few hundred disclaimers. BMW nu ar fi in masura sa transmita acest tip de publicitate prin intermediul anunturilor de televiziune traditionale, fara a cateva sute de disclaimere.

BMWFilms has accomplished several objectives; the most important being the tremendous buzz in both the entertainment and business press. BMWFilms a realizat mai multe obiective; cele mai importante fiind buzz extraordinar atat in presa de divertisment si de afaceri. This was important to BMW, since one of its goals was to make the BMW look cool, without the old association with the 1980's style of yuppie arrogance. Acest lucru a fost important pentru BMW, deoarece unul dintre obiectivele sale a fost sa arate BMW cool, fara asocierea vechi cu 1980 stilul de aroganta yuppie.

A fact that was not prominently mentioned in much of the coverage of “The Hire” was the core creative concept along with key strategic thinking, Web development, as well as several scripts, all came from one source: Publicis Troupe's Fallon Worldwide in Minneapolis. Un fapt care nu a fost proeminent mentionat intr-o mare de acoperire a 'The Hire' a fost creative concept de baza, impreuna cu gandire strategica cheie, dezvoltare web, precum si mai multe scenarii, toate au venit de la o singura sursa: Publicis Trupa lui Fallon Worldwide in Minneapolis. “I think we're reinventing advertising,” said David Lubars, Fallon president and executive creative director. 'Cred ca suntem reinventarea publicitate', a spus David Lubars, Fallon presedinte si creative director executiv. Mr. Lubars added “We're not looking to make this a template, as though this is what advertising is [going to be]. Dl Lubars a adaugat: 'Noi nu suntem in cautarea de a face acest sablon o, ca si cum acest lucru este ceea ce publicitatea este [va fi]. I think what technology affords you is that every client can get their own customized media approach, and this was really right for this client.” Cred ca ceea ce ofera tehnologie ce este ca fiecare client poate obtine propriile lor personalizate abordare mass-media, si acest lucru a fost intr-adevar drept pentru acest client. '

“ is a good example of blurring the lines between entertainment and advertising,” said Jarvis Mak, senior Internet analyst at NetRatings. ' este un bun exemplu de estompeaza liniile dintre divertisment si publicitate', a declarat Jarvis Mak, analist senior la Internet NetRatings. “The site combines Hollywood's intense car chase scenes and Internet video to deliver a new spin on product showcasing,” added Mak. 'Site-ul combina Hollywood masina Chase scene intense si video pe Internet pentru a oferi o viziune noua pe prezentarea de produse', a adaugat Mak.

“We think that a lot of the time when people view traditional advertising they view it through a filter of disbelief,” said Jim McDowell, vice president of marketing for BMW of North America. 'Credem ca o multime de timp, atunci cand oamenii vad publicitatea traditionala ei a putea vizualiza printr-un filtru de neincredere', a declarat Jim McDowell, vice presedinte de marketing pentru BMW din America de Nord. “When people watch entertainment or a movie, then they're watching in an entirely different way where they enjoy the fantasy, and hopefully remember it and share it with others.” “We thought maybe instead of doing advertising we should be doing entertainment and doing something fun and interesting on the Web,” McDowell said. 'Cand oamenii ceas de divertisment sau un film, apoi acestea sunt uitam intr-un mod cu totul diferite in cazul in care ei se bucura de fantezie, si speram ca-l amintesc si il partajati cu altii.' 'Ne-am gandit ca poate in loc de a face publicitate ar trebui sa facem si de divertisment a face ceva distractiv si interesant de pe Web ', a spus McDowell.

What if you do not have a computer, or if your computer is not hooked to a T1 connection? Ce se intampla daca nu aveti un calculator, sau in cazul in care computerul nu este conectat la o conexiune T1? Never fear, BMW has already begun buying infomercial time on the Bravo and Speedvision channels to showcase their “Hire” series. Nu va temeti, BMW deja a inceput sa cumpere timp reclama pe canalele si Speedvision Bravo lor de a-si demonstra 'Inchiriez' serie.

Target Audience Audienta tinta

Initially, BMW had no real idea to whom the films would appeal. Initial, BMW a avut nici o idee real pentru care filmele ar fi recurs. BMW executives knew they would have everyone from high school students to 7-Series owners as viewers. directori BMW stia ca ar fi toata lumea de la elevi de liceu pentru a-Seria 7, proprietarii de telespectatori. BMW's guess was that their central tendency would have been 25-year olds, with a median income of $100,000. a ghici BMW a fost ca centrale tendinta lor ar fi fost ani copiii in varsta 25, cu un venit mediu de 100.000 de dolari. BMW and Fallon research indicated that many were tech-savvy, and had fast, reliable access to the web. Fallon si de cercetare BMW a indicat ca multi au fost tech-savvy, si a avut rapid, acces sigur la web. Most important, 85% of buyers had researched the vehicle on the web before stepping into a showroom. Cel mai important, 85% din cumparatori au cercetat vehiculul pe web inainte pas cu pas intr-un showroom.

Characteristics of the typical BMW Target Audience Caracteristicile tipice BMW Audienta tinta

Societal values are changing rapidly. valorile sociale se schimba rapid. Society will increasingly take its cue from Generation X'ers and dot-comers rather than the baby boomers who have dominated its thinking for most of four decades. Societatea va avea din ce in ce tac de la X'ers ​​Generation si dot-veniti, mai degraba decat baby boomers, care au dominat gandirea pentru cea mai mare de patru decenii. Associated with that demographic shift will be a return to the appreciation of self-reliance and cooperation. Asociate cu aceasta schimbare demografica va fi o intoarcere la aprecierea de auto-incredere si cooperare. Self-reliance because the traditional safety platforms such as Social Security and pensions will no longer exist, and cooperation because it involves group action that, in turn, is the optimal strategy for the use of scarce resources. Increderea in sine, deoarece siguranta platformele traditionale, cum ar fi securitatea sociala si pensiile nu vor mai exista, si cooperarea pentru ca implica actiuni de grup, care, la randul sau, este strategia optima de utilizare a resurselor limitate. Family issues such as long-term health care, day care, and anti-drug campaigns will remain dominant issues up until the end of the decade. probleme de familie, cum ar fi de ingrijire a sanatatii pe termen-lung, de ingrijire de zi, si-medicament campanii anti va ramane dominant problemele pana la sfarsitul acestui deceniu.

Generation X and dot-com will have major effects in the future. Generatia X si-dot com va avea efecte majore in viitor. This 30-something Generation X cohort will be recognized for its entrepreneurial instinct since its members are starting businesses at unprecedented rates. Acest 30-ceva Generatia X cohorta vor fi recunoscute pentru antreprenoriale instinctul sau, deoarece membrii sai au inceput afacerile la rate fara precedent. They are economically conservative, begin saving at an earlier age, and seek the shallow information skimmed from a CNN or a USA Today rather than absorb in-depth reporting. Ele sunt conservatoare punct de vedere economic, incepe salvarea de la o varsta mai devreme, si sa caute informatiile de mica adancime degresat de la un CNN sau un USA Today, mai degraba decat absorb-adancime de raportare in.

Members of the dot-com generation, now entering their 20s, are proving to be even more business-oriented. Membrii generatie dot-com, care intra acum 20 de ani, se dovedesc a fi chiar mai orientate spre afaceri. Twice as many say they would prefer to own a business rather than be a top executive. De doua ori mai multi spun ca ar prefera sa detina o afacere, mai degraba decat sa fie un executiv de top. By a factor of 5 to 1, they would rather own a business than hold a key position in politics or government. Cu un factor de 5-1, ei ar detine mai degraba o afacere decat detine o pozitie-cheie in politica sau de guvern.

In summary, the corporate and business culture of the baby boomers is a mismatch for these advancing generations that thrive on challenge and opportunity. In rezumat, si de afaceri culturii corporative a baby boomers este o nepotrivire pentru aceste generatii, care avanseaza prospera pe provocare si oportunitate. It is more than cash that they want. Este mai mult decat in numerar pe care le doresc. They understand the need for lifelong learning because that is the way life has always been for them. Ei inteleg nevoia de invatare pe tot parcursul vietii, deoarece aceasta este viata mod a fost intotdeauna pentru ei. In addition, as both customers and employees, they will demand even more advanced telecommunications and net-based transactions. In plus, atat clientii si angajatii, ei vor cererii chiar si mai avansate de telecomunicatii si bazate pe tranzactiile nete. Consumerism is still growing rapidly. Consumerism este inca in crestere rapida. Because consumers will increasingly have access to and information about pricing, services, delivery time, and customer satisfaction through the internet, the consumer marketing battle will see a halt in the decline of prices and a counter-prevailing shift to service improvement and salesmanship. Deoarece consumatorii vor avea acces la din ce in ce si informatii despre preturi, servicii, timp de livrare, si satisfactia clientilor prin intermediul internetului, lupta de marketing consumatorul va vedea o stoparea declinului a preturilor si o contra-predominante schimbare la serviciu imbunatatire si arta de a vinde.

In the end, however, fixed pricing will fall out of favor as goods and services are sold through online auctioning. In cele din urma, cu toate acestea, de stabilire a preturilor fixe se va cadea de favoare ca bunurile si serviciile sunt vandute prin licitatie online. The proponents of the need for improved customer service will be proved right. Sustinatorii de nevoia de servicii imbunatatite pentru clienti va fi dovedit dreapta. To quote the report, 'as prices fall to commodity levels and online stores can list virtually every product and brand in their industry without significant overhead, service is the only field left in which marketers can compete effectively.' Pentru a cita un raport, 'ca sa scada preturile materiilor prime si magazine online din Romania pot lista practic fiecare produs si brand din industria lor, fara costuri semnificative, serviciul este singurul domeniu in care stanga marketerii pot concura in mod eficient.'

Lorraine Ketch, the director of planning in charge of Levi's trendy Silvertab line explained, 'This audience hates marketing that's in your face. It eyeballs it a mile away, chews it up and spits it out.' Lorraine ketch, directorul de planificare responsabil de Levi's Silvertab linie de moda a explicat, 'Acest public uraste de marketing care este in fata ta. Acesta globilor oculari l un kilometru distanta, produse de ros-l in sus si-l scuipa.'

As expected, branded items with dominant reputations will remain powerful and in demand. Cum era de asteptat, articole de marca cu reputatie dominanta va ramane puternica si a cererii.

Marketing Channels Canale de marketing

Internet Internet

Auto manufacturers have taken some innovative approaches to draw Internet users to their web sites. producatori auto au luat unele abordari inovatoare pentru a atrage utilizatorii de Internet pentru site-urile lor. However, it is surprising how quickly innovative becomes ordinary. Cu toate acestea, este surprinzator cat de repede inovatoare devine obisnuite. Slide shows, flash animation, and surround video are now commonplace on most manufacturer's sites. Slide show, animatie flash, si surround video sunt acum arhicunoscute pe majoritatea site-urilor producatorului. In addition, contests have become so common that the possibility of winning a free car may not be enough to hold a viewer for more than a few minutes. In plus, concursuri au devenit atat de comune incat posibilitatea de a castiga o masina circulatie nu poate fi suficient pentru a purta un vizualizator pentru mai mult de cateva minute.

468x60 banners are sold on a run-of-site (ROS) basis, meaning, they will appear on every search results page and on an equal rotating basis with other advertisers' banners. bannere 468x60 sunt vandute pe o rulati-de-site (ROS) baza, adica, ele vor aparea pe fiecare pagina cu rezultatele cautarii si pe o rotatie in conditii egale cu 'alte agentii de publicitate bannere. Advertising rates for 468x60 ad banners are computed on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) impression basis and are currently priced at US $10 to $15 CPM. Tarifele de publicitate pentru bannere publicitare 468x60 sunt calculate pe baza costului-pe-mia (CPM) impresii si sunt in prezent la pretul de US $ 10 la $ 15 CPM. Flashing banners and other methods cost slightly more based on the website and technology involved. bannere intermitent si alte metode costa putin mai mult pe site-ul si tehnologia.

For online ads, each advertiser is given password-protected access to Real-Time advertising statistics, including how many impressions were served, how many click-throughs were achieved, and what click-through rate was achieved. Pentru anunturile online, fiecare agent de publicitate este dat-protejat parola de acces la Time publicitate statistici-Real, inclusiv modul in care multe impresii au fost servite, cat de multe click-through au fost realizate, si ceea ce rata de clic a fost realizat. The industry standard for the click through rate is anywhere from 0.25% to 2%, for sites like CNN, ZD Net, or Yahoo. Standardul industriei pentru clic prin rata este de oriunde de la 0,25% la 2%, pentru site-uri cum ar fi CNN, ZD Net, sau Yahoo. Your actual click-through rate will depend on the appearance of your ad, and what it offers in terms of a marketing message and call to action. Dvs. real rata de clic va depinde de aparitia anuntului dvs., si ceea ce-l ofera in termeni de un mesaj de marketing si apel la actiune. Just like running a television commercial during prime time, or placing a full-page ad in 'Time' magazine, these ads do not necessarily cause people to pick up the phone and order a product at that very moment. La fel ca executa o comerciale de televiziune in prime time, sau prin introducerea unui anunt plin-pagina in 'Time' revistei, aceste anunturi nu provoaca in mod necesar oameni pentru a ridica telefonul si comanda un produs, la acel moment. Whereas a web-based process which guides the consumer through a systematic process is to make a purchase more likely. Intrucat un proces bazat pe web care ghideaza consumatorul printr-un proces sistematic este de a face o achizitie mai probabil. Specifically, these types of ads build name recognition for the company and establish it as a major force in the industry. Concret, aceste tipuri de anunturi construi recunoastere nume pentru companie si sa stabileasca ca o forta majora in industria. Then, when consumers are ready to buy, your company will come to mind. Apoi, cand consumatorii sunt gata sa cumpere, compania dumneavoastra va veni in minte.

Television Televiziune

The 1999 American Association of Advertising Agencies Commercial Production Costs Survey revealed that the average cost of a 30 second national commercial for an automobile was a whopping $389,000. Din 1999, Asociatia Americana a Agentiilor de Publicitate productiei comerciale Costurile Studiul a aratat ca costul mediu al unui al doilea comercial national 30 pentru un automobil a fost un enorm $ 389,000. The percentages of viewers of MSNBC and Bravo who are in BMW's target income bracket constitute 20.5%. Procentele de telespectatori de MSNBC si Bravo care sunt in tinta de venit BMW constituie 20,5%. The percentage of viewers in BMW's target age group (25-34) is 26.5%. Procentul de telespectatori in grupa de varsta tinta lui BMW (25-34) este de 26,5%.

Print Imprimare

The advertising rates in a periodical like Time Magazine ranges from $250,000 for a full-page mono to $360,000 for a full-page color ad. Ratele de publicitate intr-un periodic precum Time Magazine variaza de la 250.000 dolari pentru a-pagina mono deplin la 360.000 dolari pentru o pagina color ad-plin. The average age of a Time Magazine subscriber is 45 and they have a median income of $69,000. Varsta medie a unui abonat Time Magazine este de 45 si au un venit mediu de 69.000 dolari. This audience is of twice the age and half the income of BMW's intended target market. Acest public este de doua ori si jumatate varsta venitul lui destinate pietei tinta BMW. Time Magazine is one of the premier periodicals on the market at this time. Time Magazine este una dintre cele periodice premier pe piata in acest moment.

DVD Promotions/Freebies Promotii DVD / Freebies

The cost of producing a DVD master is between $50,000 and $100,000—plus the cost of producing any bonus materials. Costul de producere a unui maestru DVD este intre 50.000 dolari si 100.000 dolari, plus costul de a produce orice materiale bonus. DVD player penetration in the US today is approximately at 25,600,000 units. DVD player de penetrare in SUA de astazi este de aproximativ 25.6 milioane de unitati la. This trend is supposed to increase and the DVD is supposed to become the next VHS. Aceasta tendinta ar trebui sa creasca si DVD-ul ar trebui sa devina urmatoarea VHS.

Competitive Analysis Analiza competitiva

In 1997, BMW was in danger of losing its long-standing lead in the import luxury car segment. In 1997, BMW a fost in pericol de a pierde pe termen lung duce in masina segmentul de lux de import. Mercedes, Lexus, and Audi were coming on strong with great new products and new marketing campaigns designed to dethrone BMW. Mercedes, Lexus, Audi si au fost venind pe puternice cu noi produse de mare si de introducere pe piata noi campanii concepute pentru a detrona BMW. Nearly half of those considering a luxury car rank 'fun to drive' as their number one reason for purchasing the car. Aproape jumatate din cei considerare un rang de masini de lux ', distractiv de a conduce', ca numarul lor un motiv pentru cumpararea acelui autoturism. However, for the first time since BMW had been tracking its image, consumers ranked BMW at virtually the same level as Mercedes or Lexus on attributes like 'fun to drive' and 'responsive handling.' Cu toate acestea, pentru prima data de la BMW au fost de urmarire a imaginii sale, consumatorii clasat BMW practic la acelasi nivel ca Mercedes sau Lexus pe atribute ca 'distractiv de a conduce' si 'manipularea receptiv.'

BMW's three biggest competitors have launched new advertising campaigns that highlighted what traditionally had been BMW's greatest strength: performance. BMW mai mari trei concurenti au lansat campanii de publicitate noi, care a subliniat ceea ce traditional a fost cea mai mare putere BMW: performanta. Therefore, BMW was not able to distinguish itself anymore as the only company that boasted the unparalleled standard of quality as before. Prin urmare, BMW nu a fost in masura sa se mai distinge ca singura companie care a laudat standardul de calitate de neegalat ca inainte.

Mercedes Mercedes

The range of cars from the giant company DaimlerChrysler is a traditional rival of BMW's. Gama de masini de la compania gigantul DaimlerChrysler este un rival traditional al BMW. In 2000, they sold 1,155,000 units and had revenues of 43.7 billion euro. In 2000, au vandut 1.155 milioane de unitati si a avut venituri de 43.7 miliarde de euro. Mercedes' strength would be its global presence, strong brand presence, product range and its technology leadership. 'Rezistenta Mercedes ar fi prezenta sa la nivel mondial, prezenta brand puternic, gama de produse si tehnologie de lider. Mercedes marketing campaigns have always been subdued and low key. Mercedes campanii de marketing au fost intotdeauna supus si joasa cheie. Mercedes allocates 25 per cent of its annual marketing budget to innovative Internet strategies, recognizing the power of the Internet for delivering effective and precise marketing campaigns. Mercedes aloca 25 la suta din bugetul anual de marketing strategii de Internet inovatoare, recunoscand puterea Internetului pentru livrarea si precisa campanii eficiente de marketing. When the car manufacturer launched the new Mercedes C Class Sports Coupe, it positioned the online campaign right at the top of its marketing mix. In cazul in care producatorul auto a lansat noul Mercedes Clasa C Sport Coupe, este pozitionat dreptul de campanie online la partea de sus a mixului de marketing sale. Joining in a winning partnership with MSN, another global brand with similar values, Mercedes sponsored A-Ha's eagerly awaited homecoming concert. Daca va aflati intr-un parteneriat cu MSN castigatoare, un alt brand global cu valori similare, Mercedes sponsorizat-lui Ha cu nerabdare Homecoming concert A asteptat.

Lexus Lexus

Sparked by a decision from Toyota Chairman Eiji Toyoda in 1983 to challenge the best luxury vehicles, Lexus has since grown into one of the world's most inspiring automobile companies. Declansat printr-o decizie de la Toyota presedinte Eiji Toyoda in 1983 pentru a contesta cele mai bune vehicule de lux, Lexus a crescut intr-una dintre cele mai de automobile companii sa inspire. Lexus is a division of Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. They are trying to leverage the Japanese technology to add brand value to their vehicle. Lexus este o divizie a Toyota Motor Sales, Statele Unite ale Americii, Inc Ei incearca sa foloseasca tehnologia japoneza pentru a adauga valoare de brand pentru a vehiculului lor. Lexus is America's top selling luxury marquee. Lexus este America's top marquee de vanzare de lux. The tough task for Lexus is to lose the 'Cheap but Reliable' Toyota image. Sarcina grea pentru Lexus este de a pierde ', ieftine, dar de incredere' imagine Toyota. The annual sales of Toyota vehicles in the US have been on the order of $90-93 million in recent years. Vanzari anuale de vehicule Toyota in SUA au fost pe ordinea de $ 90 la 93 milioane in ultimii ani.

According to Chris Conrad, Lexus' national advertising manager, Lexus is targeting its youngest buyers ever with the IS 300, roughly 75% male, between the ages of 35 and 40, married, highly educated with annual household incomes of $100,000. Potrivit Chris Conrad, 'nationale manager publicitate Lexus, Lexus se adreseaza cumparatorilor cel mai tanar din istoria sa cu IS 300, aproximativ 75% de sex masculin, cu varste cuprinse intre 35 si 40 de ani, casatorit, foarte educati, cu venituri anuale de uz casnic de 100.000 de dolari. The current average age of a Lexus owner is 50, with the median age of the brand's hottest selling vehicle, the RX 300 sport-utility, at 48. Media de varsta actuala de un proprietar de Lexus este de 50, cu varsta medie a brand-ului mai tare de vanzare vehicul, RX 300 sport-utilitare, de la 48. The estimated $32 million campaign for the car broke recently on national TV and will continue for the next six months. Estimat de 32 milioane dolari pentru campania masina a rupt recent la televiziunea nationala si va continua pentru urmatoarele sase luni. Team One, El Segundo, Calif., created the two national TV commercials. O echipa, El Segundo, California, a creat cele doua reclame TV nationale. Five TV spots for regional dealer ad groups and two magazine ads. Cinci spoturi TV pentru dealer grupuri de anunturi regionale si doua anunturi revista. The agency also created billboards and six commercials that will be projected on buildings in three cities. Agentia a creat, de asemenea, panouri si sase reclame care vor fi proiectate pe cladiri in trei orase.

Their online presence even for this campaign is limited, though Prezenta lor online, chiar pentru aceasta campanie este limitata, desi Lexus is one of the advertisers launching a rich-media campaign on the Excite Network, which includes WebCrawler and Classifieds 2000. Lexus este unul dintre agentii de publicitate lanseaza o campanie-media bogate in cadrul retelei Excite, care include si WebCrawler Classifieds 2000.

Audi Audi

Audi is an international developer and manufacturer of high-quality cars. Audi este un dezvoltator international si producator de masini de inalta calitate. In 2000, the company sold more than 650,000 Audi models. In anul 2000, compania a vandut mai mult de 650,000 de modele Audi. The sales revenues of the Audi Group totaled 39 billion Deutsch Marks. Veniturilor din vanzari ale grupului Audi au totalizat 39 miliarde Deutsch Marks. The Audi Group has slowly but surely been encroaching on the BMW and Mercedes markets. Grupul Audi a incet, dar sigur a fost impieteaza asupra pietelor de BMW si Mercedes. They have been trying to promote the exclusivity of their cars. Ei au fost incercarea de a promova exclusivitatea de masinile lor.

Recently, Audi of America has embarked on its most ambitious online-marketing effort ever. Recent, Audi din America a lansat sale ambitioase online-marketing efort mai multi. The European car importer kicked off the 'Double Take' 'advertainment' online sweepstakes as part of its $25 million launch of the redesigned 2002 A4 sedan. Importator auto european a dat startul 'Double Take' 'advertainment' tombole online, ca parte a 25 milioane dolari lansarea din 2002 sedan A4 reproiectat. Visitors to the site can try to solve mysteries after viewing clues from three short episodes involving the A4. Vizitatorii site-ului pot incerca pentru a rezolva misterele dupa vizionarea indicii din trei episoade scurte care implica A4. They can also register to win prizes while learning about the car and its features. Ele pot inregistra, de asemenea, pentru a castiga premiile in timp ce invata despre masina si caracteristicile sale. The grand prize is a three-day trip for two to the Audi Driving Experience at the Panoz Driving School in Atlanta, GA. Marele premiu este o excursie de trei zile pentru doua persoane la Driving Experience Audi la Panoz Driving School in Atlanta, GA. The sweepstakes, run by Don Jagoda Associates, Melville, NY, allows prospects to enter up to eight times. Cupoane, condus de Don Associates Jagoda, Melville, NY, permite perspective pentru a introduce pana la opt ori. 'The main thing is to educate and entice users to go to dealerships,' said Steve Glauberman, president-CEO of Enlighten, the privately -held Ann Arbor, MI, creator of the site and sweepstakes. 'Principalul lucru este de a educa si a convinge utilizatorii pentru a merge la dealeri,' a declarat Steve Glauberman, presedinte-director executiv al lumineze, privat a avut loc Ann Arbor, MI, creatorul site-ului si Cupoane.

Discussion Questions Discutii Intrebari

  1. Should BMW be using a uniform global promotion strategy? BMW ar trebui sa fie cu ajutorul unei strategii globale de promovare uniforma?

  1. Should BMW show their new marketing campaign on the Internet exclusively, or as part of the media mix? BMW ar trebui sa arate noua campanie de marketing pe Internet in mod exclusiv, sau ca parte a mixului de media?

  1. Implications of Marketing to Dot Comers and Gen X'ers? Implicatii de marketing la Dot Comers si X'ers ​​Gen?

Text original in Engleza:

Since its launch at, “The Hire” (a film series consisting of five different short films) has been singled out as the first high profile, big-budget, celebrity-laden Internet marriage of advertising and entertainment. o traducere mai buna

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