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Viewing Transformations

Macromedia freehand

Viewing Transformations

As you transform an object you can see the details about the transformation in the Info Toolbar

Figure 1. The Info Tolbar.

The Info Toolbar readings

The Info Toolbar readings change depending on the position of your cursor, th 525s183f e tool chosen, or the action taken. The Info Toolbar has four fields: Object Position Info and Lock

Figure 2. The Object field (circled) shows the type of object or the number of objects selected.

Figure 3. The Position field (circled) shows the x and y coordinates of the cursor position.

Figure 4. The Info field (circled) shows the various attributes of objects as they are created or manipulated.

Figure 5. The Lock field (circled) shows if a selected object is locked or not.

The following are the various categories seen on the Info Toolbar.

x (Position field) position of the cursor along the horizontal axis

y (Position field) position of the cursor along the vertical axis

dx horizontal distance an object is moved

dy vertical distance an object is moved

dist total distance along any angle an object is moved

angle angle along which any object is moved, created, or transformed

x (Info field)horizontal location of the centerpoint around which any object is being created or transformed

y (Info field) vertical location of the center point that any object is being created or transformed around.

xscale horizontal scale or skew of an object expressed as a ratio to an object's original size (e.g., 1.00 = 100%)

yscale vertical scale or skew of an object expressed as a ratio to an object's original size (e.g., 1.00 = 100%)

width width of a rectangle or ellipse.

height height of a rectangle or ellipse

radius size of a radius of a polygon

sides number of sides of a polygon

open padlock (Mac) grey padlock (Win) indicates the object is not locked

closed padlock (Mac) red padlock (Win) indicates the object is locked


The Info Toolbar does not allow you to enter numbers directly into it.

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