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Questa rubrica l'è dedicada a tuti quei saoni che i
sà le lingue straniere e no i sà el dialeto Veronese

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Fa ti

Make you

Vedi ti

See you


I wish

Se te vol

If you want


Believe it!

Ghe feto o ghe sito

Do you do or are you ?

Casso 'uto ?

Dick want?

Te ghe rasòn

You have reason

Ma la vien da sè

It's coming by self

L'è na brasa querta

He's 545s1814f a covered ember

Varda sa l'è vegnudo fora

You see what come out

'Na olta par omo

One time for man

No stà torme in giro

Don't turn me a round

Fa debiti ma curate

Make debts but treat you

Te me la canti bela

You are singing me nice

Te si fora de testa

You are outside of mind

Tira mola e martela

Pulls, lets go and hammers

Sto baldachìn

This box

Te stè andando via de oco

You are going to the duck

Ti si fora come un balcòn

You are outside as balcony

Tè la sè longa

You know very long

Ghè n'ò fin sora le rece

I have got until over ears

Ghè n'eto altre

You have got others

I nè spassa fora

They sweep us out

Te sì ai passi del poro limòn

You are at the steps of the poor lemon

Can dal vaca

Dog from cow

Da quela (chela) via

From that way




L'è na val che se brusa

It's a burning valley

Ci no'l ga testa el ga gambe

Who has not head, have legs

Son a caval de na mussa orba

I'm riding a blind mule

Semo a caval de na mussa orba

We are a cross of a blind ass

Ovo, galina e cul caldo

Egg, hen and warm bum

Sasso che rugola no'l fa mota

Rolling stone doesn't do mass

Oltàr el butìn nela cuna

Turn the baby in the cradle

Semo in braghe de tela

We are in cotton jeans

'Na scarpa e'n socolo

One shoe and one socket

Ci non caga el se s-gionfa

Who do not shit, blow up

Ci ruma cata ossi

Who rummage find bones

Quel che no strossa ingrassa

What does not strangle, fatten

Endrio come la coa del musso

Behind like tail of mule

Tochemose 'i ovi e paremose el cul

Touch eggs and save buttocks

Eto voludo la bicicleta, pedala

Did you want the bycicle...ride on!

El can che se magna la coa

Self tail eating dog

La par na galdhega

It is seems a party

No gh'è sponsàr che straca

There isn't rest that tire

El vin l'è el late dei vèci

Wine is milk for older people

El sol el ne magna le ore

The sun eats hours

L'istà, l'è la mare dei pitochi

Summer is mother of poors

El lèto l'è el paradiso dei poaréti

The bed is paradise of poors

Ci ga galine ga pene

Who has hen, has plumage

Dopo i confèti, vièn i difeti

After marriage become defects

Pitòsto de gnénte, on marì òrbo

Sooner of nothing it's better a blind husband

L'omo l'è sempre belo

man is always beatifull

Ci da galina nasse, in tera raspa

Who be born from a hen, on earth he rasps

Se la dòna no la vol, l'òmo no pòl

If woman doesn't want, man cann't do

Fredo e fame, fa on bruto pelàme

Cold and hunger make a ugly skin

Novantanoe maridài, fa çento bèchi

Ninty-nine make one hundred cuckold

Tuti i temporài, no i porta aqua

All storms don't bring water

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